Financial aid at 在线赌博推荐

The 社区 College System of New Hampshire (CCSNH), of which 在线赌博推荐 is a part, offers the lowest per-credit tuition costs per year in N.H. at only $215 per credit – 和, 在线赌博推荐灵活的选择和详细的成本细目使付款变得容易!

Cost of Attendance

出勤费(COA)是你上大学的估计费用. 这 easy-to-follow cost document (下面也有链接)可以帮助你解释这一切是如何分解的.

 N.H. 居民Military StudentNERSP外州 /International
Cost Per Credit$215$215$323$490

General 学费 Estimates

Residency Status# of Registered Credits学费
NERSP * *15$5,220

Other m和atory fees will be added to tuition.
学费 rates are based on per credit hour cost.

* See “Military Student 学费 Rates”

* *的 New Engl和 Regional Student Program (NERSP) 允许新英格兰州的居民在六个州地区的公立学院或大学注册,所有在线赌博推荐的学位和证书课程的学费高于州内学费的50%. 所有申请人将在申请时自动审查新英格兰地区学生计划的资格. 居住在在线赌博推荐康科德校区50英里半径范围内的新英格兰居民将按州内学费支付日间课程. 在线赌博推荐认为新英格兰地区地位是一种经济援助形式. 欲了解更多信息,请联系高中指导顾问或在线赌博推荐招生办公室.

Assignment to an 在线赌博推荐 residence hall is open to any student registered for a minimum of nine credits for the academic year; any Allied Health student who has 临床s; any student who only has one-two classes left to graduate (verified by academic advisor); any ESOL student recommended by the ESOL advisor; 和 any student with learning disabilities 和 recommended by Accessibility Services.

Spring Semester$3,515$2,002$75$5,592
Spring Semester$4,220$2,002$75$6,297
Spring Semester$4,618$2,002$75$6,695
12-Month 住房 – Annual Rates
$8,900 $4,004+$150$13,054
超级单$11,692 $4,004+$150$15,876

+15-膳食计划:  $2002/semester; 19-meal plan: $2177/semester

If a student does not specify which meal plan they want; they automatically get the 15-meal plan. 如需更改膳食计划,学生必须填写膳食更改表并将其交回学生事务处.

For students who are choosing year-round housing, meal plans are only offered during the Fall 和 Spring semesters.

 The following qualify for in-state tuition:

  • Members of the U.S. 根据军事命令驻扎在新罕布什尔州的武装部队(及其配偶或子女)(或驻扎在邻近的州但暂时居住在新罕布什尔州),只要上述命令仍然有效并继续在新罕布什尔州居住.
  • 居住在其他州但在退伍后90天内选择在新罕布什尔州居住的军人.
  • 根据2010年《在线赌博推荐》注册的退伍军人.
  • Veterans as defined under RSA 21:50, I, or a covered individual, 根据美国法典第38卷第30章或第33章的定义,在新罕布什尔州居住并参加学位/证书课程期间使用联邦法律提供的教育援助福利.
  • 配偶或子女在新罕布什尔州居住并参加学位/证书课程期间,根据美国法典第38篇第30章或第33章提供的教育援助福利. 


以下是在线赌博推荐 2022-2023学年的费用. 你的学杂费应在每学期第一堂课前两周交齐. 有些项目需要制服和/或设备,所有项目都需要教科书. Students are responsible for the purchase of these materials.

Please note: All charges are subject to change without notice.

100美元的学费押金适用于以下项目, Dental Hygiene, Diagnostic Medical Sonography, 护理 (RN 和 LPN-RN Option), Orthopaedic Technology (Degree & 证书), Paramedic Emergency Medicine, Radiation Therapy (Degree 和 证书), 和 Radiologic Technology. 这笔费用不予退还,将计入第一学期的学费.


$25 per credit hour. Supports Student Center, student activities, 和 organizations, Wellness Center, 体育运动, Health Services, 和 Campus Safety.


所有选修实验学分课程的学生都要缴纳在线赌博推荐指导费用, 临床, field experience, or practicum courses. 这个费用的计算方法是,从学时数中减去讲课时数,然后将余数乘以每门课程110美元. 这笔费用将加到该课程的正常学费中. 合作社和实习不收取在线赌博推荐指导费用.  

All students taking 为副总经理296 c, 奥尔特150 cRADT 159 c 和 RDTH 190 c will be charged $150 临床 documentation fee per class.


$500 per semester
All students enrolled in 临床 Dental, Diagnostic Medical Imaging, 护理, 骨科技术及辅助急救医学课程每学期收费$500临床附加费.The following courses carry this charge: ADED 113C, 广告114 c, 广告191 c, 广告196 c, 广告212 c, 广告221 c, 广告298 c, 猫204 c, 猫206 c, 为副总经理291 c, 为副总经理296 c, 为副总经理297 c, 为副总经理298 c, 历史115 c, 历史116 c, 历史117 c, 历史175 c, 历史178 c, 历史215 c, 奥尔特113 c, 奥尔特150 c, 奥尔特220 c, PEM 194 c, PEM 296 c, PEM 297 c, RADT 159 c, RADT 164 c, RADT 165 c, RADT 294 c, RADT 295 c, RDTH 190 c, RDTH 195 c, RDTH 290 c, RDTH 293 c, RDTH 295 c, RDTH 296 c

课程费用: All students taking INDS 150C, 第1 250 c, MCET 105 c, MCET 205 c, MCET 250 c, MCET 260C MFET 111C, MFET 202 c, MFET 220 c, MFET 241 c, RAET 205 c, RAET 210C和RAET 220C每节课收费$50.

个人职业责任保险是强制性的所有学生在健康和人类服务相关的项目, which include 临床s. The cost is $25 per year. (注意: 参加校外实习或实习的其他专业的学生可能需要购买责任保险

所有参加这些课程的学生都将被收取费用,以支付与ATI在线练习、监考评估和教程相关的费用, detailed individualized remediation plans, 和 end-of-program testing for the NCLEX-RN licensure exam:

  • 历史115 c – $700
  • 历史116 c/117C  – $700
  • 历史175 c – $100
  • 历史178 c – $700
  • 历史215 c – $700

所有参加骨科技术学位或骨科技术证书课程的学生将被收取每学期750美元的临床附加费. 以下课程需支付此费用:north 108C、north 109C和north 208C.


A $125 fee will be assessed for all students taking PLGL 104 c  和 PLGL 225 c. 这 fee will cover costs associated with ABA dues, 词汇/新闻全文数据库, 和 UNH Franklin Pierce School of Law 图书馆.


A $89 fee will be assessed for all student taking 奥尔特150 cRADT 159 c, 和 RDTH 195 c.  这 fee covers the cost of the radiation badge, 每个州/国家法律和认证要求哪些来监测学生口粮剂量. A $25 fee will be assessed to replace lost radiation badge.


A $25 fee will be assessed for all students taking TECP 50度TECP 51 cTECP 60 cTECP 62 cTECP 66 cTECP 87 c, 和 TECP 88 c to cover the cost of 临床 practice.


所有参加课程的学生需缴纳25美元的戏剧材料费 THTR 185 c 和 THTR 250 c.


A $75 fee will be assessed for all students taking HSTM 101 c. 这笔费用将推迟与学生旅行经历相关的一些费用. 一些更广泛的旅行会给学生带来额外的费用.

所有学生都需要支付50美元的陶艺工作室费用 VRTS 135 c 和 VRTS 235 c.


A $20 fee will be assessed for all students taking VRTS 130 c 和 VRTS 230 c to cover the cost 和 disposal of chemicals.


A $20 fee will be assessed for all students taking VRTS 133 c 和 VRTS 210 c to cover the cost of live modeling.

学费 Waiver Programs

CCSNH has many programs that can waive tuition for some students. 这 includes those in the foster system, N.H. 学者,以及阵亡士兵、消防员和警察的子女. We’re here to help you – please explore these options.

Are You a Military Student?

Thank you for your service! 在线赌博推荐 has resources available for you, 详细说明了如何申请VA福利.

Faculty 和 Staff Course Form

在线赌博推荐的教职员工及其家属可以参加折扣课程. Click here to download the form. Directions for submission are on the form itself.

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星期五,8点.m.-4 p.m